So much has happened since my last email. The biggest thing is that my family moved and we purchased our first home. My husband accepted a new job he is the new lead pastor at a church out side of New Castle, Indiana. I have been busy packing, and unpacking, making sure my girls are settled and all the other things that come with moving. I finally feel like I can get back to my normal designing schedule.
You are probably saying "but its a crochet pattern that should be next." I know. I had this one already done and written up, so I decided to just get this one published, so I could just get myself back in the schedule of working.
Welcome the newest knit pattern the Fall is Falling Cowl. I wanted an Autumn version of the Just a Posy Cowl. It follows the same concept of throwing a bunch of leaves in the air, and when you look up this is what you see. I really struggled with color for this one. I started one version for it that had more auburn colors in it, but it looked so much like the "pizza couch" pattern from my childhood it made me shudder. haha. My sister and I had a good laugh about it. I just could not bring myself to finish and started a new one with the colors you see above.
This pattern is on Ravelry. If you want it on another platform let me know and I will get it listed for you. Its on sale this week for $3.00 and that price will go up in 2 weeks.
As always, Thanks for all your support and patience while I get acclimated in my new home.
Reader I have a new pattern to share with you today. Say Hello to Whorl Around Cowl. I wanted an accessory that showed whimsy and movement. In the winter when its cold and unmotivating, I wanted a reminder that wonder still exists. I took inspiration from Poinsettias, and looking inside a kaleidoscope. I didn't want it to be obvious, but fluid to interpretation. It was hard to get a picture of the full pattern and movement of this cowl, so please excuse this very unworthy of instagram picture...
Reader I have a new Pattern for you today. cottage garden cowl worn by me One of my favorite things about now owning a home after renting for so long is creating a garden around the house. I wanted to make a cowl to celebrate that. Even though its getting cold and I have had to put my garden to sleep for winter, I have a cowl to brighten my day with the colors of my garden. A close up of the cowl and the last of my flowers before the snow hit this week Some of you who have been around for a...
Reader I hope you all have had a great summer. I had a busy and fulfilling summer. The best part is getting to be with my girls. We spent a lot of time with family, and friends. I've really enjoyed having a garden this year. I think my favorite part of summer was that I got to go to church camp with my oldest. It was a week of MAD (music, arts, and drama) camp. I was in charge of the arts part of camp. I can't tell you how fun it was to be creative and teaching again. I of course even taught...